Bowie: Art’s survivors are a special breed, not just the classics but those artists who continue to be relevant throughout their lifetime and beyond. This week I was again working on lyrics for a song with composer Thol Mason on the theme of Icarus and myth of human flight, while also pondering the lyrical genius of David Bowie who after 30 years won another Brit award. His music has remained a touchstone of originality with a unique perception of its time. My Large Dance piece “Wild Is The Wind” was inspired by a Bowie song of that name and I revisited the same theme in a dance drawing session this week.

Rodin: Also this week on a gallery trip I was stopped in my tracks by the power of a small Rodin figure on display. Rodin is another timeless artist for me, not only the greatest Sculptor since Michelangelo but a truly iconic creator who redefined our view of the body and its beauty. Rodin was one of the main reasons I became an artist and I will always remember my first visit to The Musee Rodin in Paris, which if you have not yet visited, should be on your list. His work retains a power to transcend catagories and remain with us throughout our lives.

His work has soul and depth, the power to move and transform.

He is in love with the human being and at the same time sees the wild side of eternal creation or in the words of David Bowie:

Love me, love me, love me, love me,

say you do

Let me fly away with you

For my love is like the wind,

and wild is the wind

Wild is the wind


My Drawing Du Jour

“Wild Is the Wind”

Rodin’s “Fall of Illusion: Sister of Icarus”

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